AstroCora is a program that provides for all the needs of astrologers working in the Huber style.
It includes radix, house, and nodal analyses, as well as dynamic calculations and Age Point progressions. The family model, the integration chart, and personal rays are included, and synastry is catered for as well. A useful feature is that named aspect patterns can be displayed separately from the chart. They are named, too. Solar and lunar returns are included. There is considerable flexibility in the way a chart is presented, and there is a choice of two glyph styles - Huber and standard. Other Techniques Include: Draconic Charts, Lunations, Fixed Stars, Midpoints, Arabic Parts, Transits, Primary and Secondary Progressions, Harmonics.
The program incorporates a worldwide gazetteer, with automatic summer time correction. There is a Research option, which enables the database to be scanned in order to answer to such questions as "How many clients have sun in Libra and Moon in Scorpio?"